
September for 20 days
€1,262 (L6,227 RON)
Posted on August 5, 2021 by

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Oradea, Romania
Photo by Danny Witz

Cazare oradea

Cost/Budget: €30.51 (L150.54 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Photo by Eugenio Mele

Cazare Budapesta

Cost/Budget: €30.51 (L150.54 RON)
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3, 1055 Hungary

[ Google Review ] I really recommend to book the tour, very casual and informative. You get to see the center dome with the crown and one plenary. The building is very impressive, nothing is in or on there without historical reference. If you are planning to visit in a group make sure too book a couple of days in advance; tours are available in various languages. Really recommend!

Photo by Kuchen, Kind und Kegel
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Budapest, Szentháromság tér, 1014 Hungary

[ Google Review ] Our wedding reception took place in this fine establishment and I could not have been more satisfied. The food tasted rich and unique, the combination of modern and classical was absolutely balanced. Tasted delicious, looked amazing and the ambiance is one of a kind. It's worth it ! Go there!

Photo by Janusz Green Zone
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: fsz1, Budapest, Király u. 13-c udvar, 1075 Hungary

[ Google Review ] Cool and funky place to eat and drink

Photo by Konrad Karpieszuk
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Budapest, Citadella stny. 1, 1118 Hungary

[ Google Review ] After a long and exhausting climb it sure was more then worth doing this. On top you have an amazing panoramic view over the Budapest city. Must visit!

Photo by Ignacio Diaz Triviño
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Budapest, Vámház krt. 1-3, 1093 Hungary

[ Google Review ] I went here for a quick visit in 2016. Being a spot for tourists, it definitely had a lot of traditional Hungarian souvenirs. If you don't care much for that, just get the Beef Goulash like I did and some other food. The taste was awesome, although there might be cheaper alternatives elsewhere.

Photo by Ádám Cseh

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy
Photo by Panupan C.

Cazare Venetia

Cost/Budget: €111.63 (L550.88 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy
Photo by Panupan C.

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy
Photo by Oscar Vignone

Cazare Florenta

Cost/Budget: €41.81 (L206.33 RON)

Cazare Genoa

Cost/Budget: €35 (L172.71 RON)
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Pisa, Province of Pisa, Italy
Photo by Simone Aimasso
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: 19016 Monterosso al Mare, SP, Italy
Photo by Alessandro Bergamini
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: 19017 Manarola, SP, Italy
Photo by Shuki Y
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: 19018 Vernazza, SP, Italy
Photo by Marco Pirazzini
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Genoa, Metropolitan City of Genoa, Italy
Photo by Simona Pisani

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Monaco
Photo by Tomáš Hlavinka
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Marseille, France

Cazare Marseilles ( Cort )

Cost/Budget: €75 (L370.1 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Marseille, France
Photo by Vlad Mandyev

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Marseille, France
Photo by Ryszard Nawrocki

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Lovere, Province of Bergamo, Italy
Photo by Daniela Vaccari

Cazare Lovere

Cost/Budget: €35.11 (L173.28 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Photo by Gabi Hofbauer

Cazare innsbruck

Cost/Budget: €20.34 (L100.36 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: 9844 Heiligenblut am Großglockner, Austria
Photo by Brasil 1500

Cazare Zell am See

Cost/Budget: €20.3 (L100.16 RON)

Peterdof Austria

Cost/Budget: €35.11 (L173.28 RON)
Location: 306 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10033, USA
Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Hallstatt, Austria
Photo by Ângelo Prinzo

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Photo by Tamara Susoi

Benzina Total Estimata

Cost/Budget: €800 (L3,947.77 RON)

Cazare Cluj

Cost/Budget: €26.44 (L130.47 RON)

Cluj ? Turda

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)

Cost/Budget: €0 (L0 RON)
Location: Iași, Romania
Photo by Alina Bănică